From: August Baker <>
Date: Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 6:56 PM
Subject: From Corrigan acute inpatient social-work intern
To: <>
Cc: Danielle Keogh <>, august.baker <>
Dear Mr. Weiner,
I am the social-work intern at the Corrigan acute inpatient unit. My internship supervisor is Danielle Keogh (cc'd here). As part of my internship, I am tasked with understanding and (ideally) helping to improve (if possible) the policies and procedures at my internship site. …
…I am writing to ask if I could help assist you / your office in conducting a fresh-eyed review of Corrigan Inpatient's compliance under 104 CMR, §27.13(6)(f) (reasonable daily access to the outdoors).
Although Corrigan Inpatient does schedule Recreation breaks (at 8am, 1pm, 4pm, and 8pm), it is my understanding and belief that some patients, especially elderly patients or largely bedridden patients, do not in fact take advantage of these breaks.
On three occasions, I prompted elderly patients to go to this break. On two of those occasions, my efforts were successful, and I believe the patients greatly benefited. Yet this was rare for these patients, to my understanding, causing me to wonder whether some patients would *like* to take advantage of the outside but are intimidated by the current structures of these breaks.
For example, note that under (6)(f)104 CMR, §27.13(6)(f)(1), "reasonable daily access ... mean[s] daily access to the outdoors, individually or in groups" …. I do not believe that Corrigan Inpatient offers individual access, yet for elderly patients who systematically avoid groups, that may be the only way they would access the outdoors. …
On a third occasion, I attempted to prompt an elderly patient to go on a rec break, but was unable to do so. She needed to take the elevator, and despite my best efforts, I was unable to secure an elevator ride for her.
To start, could you please provide to me (or point me towards) the written plan described in 104 CMR 27.13(6)(f)5? That may answer all my questions.
I look forward to working with you on this important issue. The Association for the Prevention of Torture, for example, recommends a minimum of one hour outdoor exercise for any detainee []. The benefits of exercise and sunlight for mental health are very well established.
I would be happy to discuss these issues in person at at any point. I work Monday and Friday all day, Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning.
--August Baker
Life, 1946.